Monday, May 25, 2009

Bottle It Up

This weekend has been fun I suppose. I managed to have an enjoyable time even when suffering through bouts of jealousy over the fun time my best friend was having shopping in Downtown Boston...ugh... I managed to have fun with friends still here. I went shopping on Friday...bought a new pair of black sandals with some fringe, some new cutoff jean shorts, a racerback flowy tank, a new headband...all in all a successfull shopping trip. Then had a good time at a pool party held at a friend's house, which was a nice taste of summer. Last night, went to an event with performances by several talented DJ's and Karl Wolf. Good weekend :D

And I am feeling 100% better...thank you to all for the nice comments.

My school has a chorus concert coming up. The black dresses are classy, but not really flattering. I would adore a concert dress like this :)

Casual boring outfit post. I do indeed like the was borrowed from a friend.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable week, and Memorial Day.


Unknown said...

you look adorable! and oh, black dresses are okay i guess provided they are done well.. :)

much love


Copycat Sasha said...


Anonymous said...

i'm totally with you: my choral dresses are HORRID and unflattering (they're made of 100% polyester for goodness sake), i'd go for a beautiful dress like that any day!

GraceFace said...

I like the bag :D