Friday, December 12, 2008


Survey that I'm using from Slightly Oblivious to the Obvious!
It's a good survey. One word answers only!

Where is your mobile phone? pocket

Where is your significant other? hockey

Your hair colour? brown

Your mother? spirtual

Your father? admirable

Your favourite thing? performing

Your dream last night? heartache

Your dream goal? Zooey

The room you're in? Office

Your hobby? acting

Your fear? failure

Where do you want to be in 6 years? california

Where were you last night? rink

What you're not? blase

One of your wish-list items? LBD

Where you grew up? home

The last thing you did? blog

What are you wearing? jeans

Your TV? new

Your pets? heaven

Your computer? dell

Your mood? heartache

Missing someone? him

Your car? wish

Something you're not wearing? nailpolish

Favourite shop? F21

Your summer? LOVE.

Love someone? still

Your favourite colour? black

When is the last time you laughed? recently

When is the last time you cried? recently


Is this not adorable. It's from a baby shower over the summer.

Baby Shower outfit. My black cheap mondays are sooo skinny i can barely fit in them. It doesn't help that they are about a size too small, but by far my favorite pair of pants I wear. I can wear them in MANY different ways.

Anya Monsikova

So the other day I stayed home from school because I was sick. I flipped through some channels and decided to watch a movie, "Children of Men." I wasn't expecting much, but the movie was RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. Basically, the world has gone to peices. There is crime, fighting, death, starvation, everything bad that you can imagine is happening all over. Also, infertility has taken over the women, meaning the extinction of the human race. Until, Theo, the main character, helps a young girl, Kee, escape to safety because she is pregnant. The movie is very well made, the script fantastic, and the filming done very well. At one point, during a battle scene, blood from a gun shot is sprayed up and onto the camera lens. This isn't something I have ever seen done in a movie before, and it really felt scarily real. I highly reccomend this movie.

"The only reason to breath is to make a difference."
-Julian "Children of Men"

"As if we have no better plan for balancing our state budget than taking the sugar out of old folk's poridge."
-local political article


Maddi said...

L♥VE the baby booties!
If they had those in my size I'd totally wear them.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

this was such a cool info post on you.

Ana said...

I would deff wear the baby boots if they were a size nine.

Siljesfashion said...

Very sweet baby boots! Love those skinny jeans!

Maddi said...

Polywhore sisters !
I love Polyvore! So addictive..

What is Reality Anyway? said...

very cool x

Song of Style said...

i love the last dress. its beautiful

Susanna-Cole King said...

Oh I haven't seen "Children of Men", but now I want to! :D

And thanks for your comment, it's ok that you don't know where the pictures are from! ;) And aw thank you so much for the compliment, I'm glad you like my blog! <3


this wheel's on fire said...

loved this post :)

Sammie said...

Thanks for commenting my blog! Love the baby booties they're adorable and that boy is too. He was in Never Back Down, right?

The survey is great, thanks for sharing.